Many bank customers have been complaining about how their transactions from MoMo to their bank accounts gets slapped with GRA’s E-levy which shouldn’t have been the case.
The Ghana Revenue Authority, the state institution in charge of collecting tax revenues in the country last year encouraged Ghanaians to link the Mobile Money wallets to their bank accounts using the same Ghana Card to avoid being double taxed.
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Why Ghana Banks Are Charging E-levy on MoMo
In recent development, customers of the various banks in Ghana reported that since 1st December, 2023, they get charged e-ley on transactions from their Mobile Money Wallets to and fro their bank accounts even though they have linked them with the same Ghana card that was used for biometric data capture.
We have made enquiries about the issue with some banks in Ghana who claim they have no idea about the e-levy on their customers’ momo to bank transactions.
A member of our team who faced similar challenges called MTN customer service and was also told by the customer care representative that they have no idea or records of e-levy being charged on the transactions.
READ ALSO: Full List of Top 10 Banks In Ghana 2023.
Who Then Is Charging Exempting Accounts With E-Levy
Ghana Revenue Authority is in charge of all electronic levies in Ghana. All e-levy charges are directly routed to them.
Why Am I Being Charged E-levy on My Momo to Bank Transactions
Here are some of the reasons Why You May Be Charged E-levy:
- Non-cancellation of reservations (uncompleted payment processes) by Charging Entities.
- Failure to update Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN)/Ghanacard PIN on the common platform by Charging Entities.
- Failure of customers to provide Charging Entities with Ghanacard PIN/TIN.
- Non-integration of channels on the common platform by Charging Entities.
- Incorrect reporting onto the common platform by Charging Entities.
The Ghana Revenue Authority is yet to release a statement to address the issue.
247Hitz.COm ~ Why Ghana Banks Are Charging E-levy on MoMo to Bank Transfer