- Are you looking for favour or promotion? Here’s How to Use Tameawu to Get Favour!
We have already talked about how to use Tameawu to get money in an earlier post. Now it is time to show you how to use tameawu to get favour. This miracle leaf works like charm even though it is not juju or voodoo. Do not abuse it or else it might will against you.
What is Tameawu Leaf or Miracle Leaf?
Tameawu is an succulent herb which is known to do many wonders both physically and spiritually. It is known as Miracle Leaf in some parts of the world whiles others calls it Leaf of Life due to certain characteristics it posses.
The miracle leaf plant is a popular houseplant that can mostly be found in tropical and subtropical regions.
READ ALSO: This Herb Will Draw Your Lover Closer to You and Favours.
Tameawu Botanical and Other Names
There are many name for tameawu in different parts of the world. In some parts of the world tameawu is called Resurrection plant, Never Die plant, Air plant, Miracle leaf, or Life plant; tameawu botanical name is Bryophyllum pinnatum or Kalanchoe pinnata or Kalanchoe brasiliensis and belongs to the plant family Crassulaceae.
It is also called Odaa opue in Ibo, Ewe Abamoda or Odundun in Yoruba, and Da bu si in Chinese.
Someone ask me today if I know the Ewe name for Leaf of Life or Tameawu and honestly I don’t know so if you know, kindly tell us in the comments section below.
How to Use Tameawu to Get Favour
There are many uses of the tameawu leaf; both physical and spiritual but to use tameawu leaf to get money, then you will have to follow the instructions below.
READ MORE: Uses of Leaf of Life/Tameawu Leaf for Benefits.
Are you looking for promotion at your place of work or officebut it doesn’t seem to reach you even though you are hardworking and dedicated? Use the tameawu leaf and follow the steps below.
- Get one leaf of tameawu
- Wash it clean
- Say the kind of favour you want onto the tameawu leaf
- Put the leaf in your pocket or wrap it with your handkerchief.
Watch how things are going to change in your favour. This is what we call the Miracle Leaf, it is not juju or voodoo. Some calls it leaf of life because it give life to everything; wealth, health, good relationship, name it.
This herb is so powerful that it can do anything for you with your own command. It can even help you against your enemies that’s why is known as the “hate me and die” leaf (Tameawu leaf).
Aside doing spiritual stuff, this wonderful herb also has many physical benefits when used. This herb can be use to treat delayed pregnancy, heal wounds, treat coughs, lower blood pressure and many more health benefits.
SEE MORE: How to Use Tameawu to Get Money.
Due to the numerous miracles this leaf performs, in other jurisdictions they call it “Miracle Leaf”. When any evil spirit cross your doorstep and tries to harm you, the power of the herb will return that spirit to whoever invoked it and protect you from any dangers.
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Source: 247Hitz.Com | How to Use Tameawu to Get Favour