One of Ghana‘s biggest telecommunications networks, Vodafone Ghana has finally seconded to the no expiry data bundles directive that was given to them by the National Communication Authority (NCA) of Ghana, following MTN Ghana who first put the directive in place after it was given.
No Expiry Data means when you buy any amount of data bundle from them, you would not lose it even if you are not able to use all within some period of time. It has no expiry date and will be available to you forever until you are able to exhaust it all.
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How to Purchase A No Expiry Data Bundle on Vodafone
To purchase “No Expiry Data Bundles” on the Vodafone network, follow the steps below:
1. Dial *700*1#, a popup menu will appear the following options:
1- 2 Moorch
2- No Expiry Bundle
3- Daily Packages
4- Weekly Packages
5- Monthly Packages
6- Jumbo
7- Hour Bundles
8- Night King
9- BOSSU Data
10- Press 0 to go back
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2. Select option 2 by entering the number 2 in the space that would be provided and send
1- 2 Moorch
2- No Expiry Bundle
3- Daily Packages
4- Weekly Packages
5- Monthly Packages
6- Jumbo
7- Hour Bundles
8- Night King
9- BOSSU Data
10- Press 0 to go back
Another popup menu will appear.
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3. Now, choose the bundle you want to buy by entering the number associated with it and send. Another popup menu will appear asking you to choose what medium you want to use, to buy the selected data bundle
4. Now choose whether you would like to pay with airtime, or Vodafone Cash by entering the number associated with the option in the space provided below and send.
Hurray! You have successfully purchased a “No Expiry Data Bundle” from Vodafone Ghana. You can now use you No Expiry Bundle at your own convenience without worrying about it being taken after a period of time when you are not able to use it up.
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