We are in an era where things have become excessively expensive and money is not easy to come by. Taking this into consideration, I will reveal to you how to Plan A Wedding With GHS15000. Do you think it is impossible? Read on till the end let’s find out together.
How to Plan A Wedding With GHS15000
If you are looking to plan your wedding in these hard times, here are some guidelines. I hope you will find this helpful.
Buy Rings for GHS4,000.00
Out of the GHS15,000, make a budget of GHS4,000 (or less) for rings. These should be the rings for both of you.
Get A Good Tailor & Seamstress
Get a good seamstress to sew two beautiful dresses for both the traditional rites and church thanksgiving. Do the same for your husband, find a good tailor to sew to nice wear. GHS2000 should be enough for the dresses of both couples and your accessories (just an earring and wristwatch).
In case you have some available too, use them, no need to buy new ones. Also, make sure that the dresses you sew can be reused.
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Haircuts & Hairstyling
Style your own hair or do a simple hairstyle that won’t cost you more than GHS200.00 cedis. Your husband will get a clean cut or a decent hairstyle depending on his personality.
Traditional Marriage Rites
Proceed to do the traditional marriage rites with only close relatives from both sides, early in the morning, at most 30 people should be present. This will cut a lot of costs.
Refreshment for Attendees
Make a small arrangement to feed these relatives after the program (500 cedis should be enough). At most in 2 hours’ time, everything will be done and everyone leaves.
So far you have spent GHS 7,000. Set aside 1.3k cedis for miscellaneous spendings such as makeup, transportation, and others. Which brings your current expenditure to GHS 8,000. The program is over but you have a balance of GHS7,000 left.
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Go to church (if you are a Christian) with your husband to thank God and start enjoying your life together.
Use GHS2,000 for your honeymoon (very important but optional).
Eventually, you have a balance of 5000 cedis to invest in a business or something important afterward.
No need for any reception, groomsmen and bridesmaids, cake, bouffe, decor, and blah blah blah. Personally aside from rings, I don’t see any other item worth spending a lot on.
Because the truth is, wasting more money may not even be worth it after all.
For instance, If I ever get the chance to plan my marriage with my husband again, I won’t even let him spend up to GHS15000 on our wedding(including our rings). You will stress yourself and people as well.
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The ceremony should be about you two and what will make you both comfortable and happy. Don’t always listen to people because they will be the same ones to point fingers if anything goes wrong after your wedding.
This is the two cents I would like to share with you about How to Plan A Wedding With GHS15000 or less. I hope you will find this piece helpful and share it with your friends. You can share your opinions with me in the comments section below.
247Hitz.Com | How to Plan A Wedding With GHS15000